WISDAM relies on community support to further extend and maintain the software. Feel free to get in contact with us if you are using WISDAM in you projects and research studies.
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, document improvements, enhancements, and ideas, are welcome. We would love to increase the functionality and applications of this software, so please get in touch if you think WISDAM could be extended for your needs.
WISDAM can continue to improve with your expertise and enthusiasm.
If you are interested in contributing to WISDAM, please visit our GitHub page where you can join the discussion.
If you are not a developer, there are many other possibilities that do not require programming skills to help WISDAM to evolve. You can also contribute by:
extending the manual
developing tutorials, presentations, and other educational materials
providing labelled image datasets to enhance our AI model
participating in discussions
helping with outreach and onboarding new contributors
writing grant proposals or helping with other fundraising efforts