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As we’ve been developing WISDAM, we’ve of course been using it to work with a variety of partners and colleagues. This has generally been under our guidance. We are super keen to hear from you, and hopefully showcase the work you are doing in our projects area.

Seagrass Ecosystem Services Project


Five local NGO research partners throughout SE Asia conducted small-scale surveys of dugongs to quantify the services provided by seagrass in supporting biodiversity.

The Seagrass Ecosystem Service project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and implemented by CMS Dugong MOU, focuses on the conservation of seagrass ecosystems at critical sites in six countries.

Using Drones for Large-Scale Marine Megafauna Surveys


Working in collaboration with several individuals and universities we developed methods for using drones to survey marine mammals.

In our early efforts to develop drone survey methods, we were partnered with Insitu Pacific Inc.to test their high-end drone for large-scale marine megafauna surveys. This 3-year series of trial surveys showed us that aerial imagery surveys were a positive step forward but highlighted the need for image processing solutions.

Dugong surveys in the Seychelles


The Seychelles Islands Foundation is using drones for the first time to survey dugongs in the remote Aldabra Atoll.

Drones are an excellent option for marine fauna surveys in this remote part of the world. And by providing remote assistant alongside WISDAM, the SIF successfully completed a series of surveys.

Your Own Project Here


Have you used our software? What have you learnt from using it? We are looking for users of our software to share their story.

There are many ways to get involved with WISDAM. We are keen to hear from our users so we can make improvements. We would love to receive any feedback you have. We are obviously eager to hear any success stories of how our app has benefited your conservation initiative.